Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Oh, Pride and Prejudice. The classic tale of two not so ordinary people misunderstanding each other's feelings, making snap judgements, and eventually overcoming themselves as they fall in love. This is the book, many say, that started it all. Romance in storytelling has never been the same since readers everywhere discovered the brooding Mr. Darcy and Snippy Ms. Elizabeth Bennet. The couple's popularity lead to over two hundred years of reader’s intrigue, and it is no surprise that the book survives to this day. Such a relatable and modern story (despite its age) is not one readers give up easily.

I have personally danced around this story in it’s many forms all throughout my life. Everyone has seen some story or other whose love interests quarrel until they realize how much they truly love each other. It’s arguable that most of the stories take a huge part of their inspiration from this classic novel. My first time ever experiencing a rendition of the book, was in a modernized version which took place in the form of fictional video diaries made by the main character, Lizzie Bennet, and the other characters that interacted with her. It was fairly faithful to the book, with a few alterations here and there to allow for the more modern feel. I thoroughly enjoyed the series.

Naturally when I was assigned to read the original book in my literature class I was excited to see what the book would hold for me. I was very pleased to find that my enjoyment of the characters and the narrative had not changed at all. It was an enjoyable read that I will probably come back to read again in a year or two. I’m sure I will also continue to be delighted by this timeless tale in it’s many new and different tellings as the years go by.

Image taken from The Lizzie Bennet Diaries series on youtube, Episode sixty.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Discussing one's own origins can in many ways be vague or confusing. For starters, the definition of "origin" could vary from person to person. It could be where your from, your families lineage, personal awakenings, or even the creation of your ideals.  Putting a strict definition on one's beginning seems a moot point. In discussing my own origins, I believe it is only fair to include the many facets that have built me up from the beginning.

My familial origin is a long list of many european countries and descents but overall, I am German. The country and culture of Germany has led my family through the years, and I continue to take inspiration from this. The fairytales and dreamy concepts which have come out of the German culture throughout the years are a driving force behind my own work.

I have had many influences on my work throughout my life. Family, friends, and loved ones make up a large part of that list. Artistically, though, I find myself most influenced by those who show exception creative expression. Historically, I take a lot of inspiration from fairytales and exciting romantic stories. It's Shakespeare, Poe, the Brothers Grimm. In current media, I find a lot of inspiration in concept artists and story tellers. They vary from medium to medium, but each has that key element of exciting storytelling.

My ideology is overall an optimistic open minded one. I believe that one should be fair and loving, to a degree, of everyone around them. I truly believe that everyone should be treated fairly and that we should try to extend ourselves to be the best version of ourselves. This can be hard, and has many exceptions, but I believe as a general thought it is not a bad set of ideals to live by.