Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dream into a Movie and Real life experience

       The dream begins in a train station. It is bright, immaculately clean, a extremely colorful. The station is eerily empty. "I", the viewer, am standing waiting for the train. I do not look like my normal self, but in the context i understand that this is me. I stand in silence, watching the large central clock of the station lobby. suddenly the train rushes in, blowing my hair and clothes around me.
      Once I'm on the train, I can see the world outside the station. It is lush and green, a beautiful view of nature. Out on the horizon, it becomes obvious that this is a different planet. The sky has a golden tint with several moons and planetary rings visibly in the sky.
The train takes me to a golden building, much bigger than the train station. It seems to take up the space of a whole city. A library. Inside there are thousands upon millions of books, more than a person could imagine. It is filled with people and books floating through the air, ladders to high shelves that go hundreds of feet in the air move on their own. There is a small amount of chatter in the air but otherwise it is calmly quiet.
      I know already that this isn't a normal library. I sit down and open the first book in front of me, it has a thick blue green color with gold bands. Immediately after I have opened the cover I am transported into the book. I am the main character, a young girl with twelve foot wings sprouting out of my back. I am a thief in a world where superpowers and mutations exist, and those who have them are persecuted. As the books story and the characters life get dangerously scary, I find myself wanting to leave the book, but I cannot. The worlds within the books have become sentient, and are trapping people within them. I do what I think would happen in the book, changing the plot to my own ideas as I go. The only way I can get out is by completing the plot of the book. I live out this story I am stuck in. Once I have completed the plot, I am thrown out into my own "normal body" again, but it feels wrong. I feel like I am that character now and I can't go back to who I was.

I am outside on a spring afternoon. Birds chirp quietly in the distance, and leaves flutter down gently from the trees. The flowers on all of the trees and bushes have just peaked with blossoms. Fuchsia and golden trumpet tree blossoms paint the concrete in hues of pink and yellow. There are also several flower beds in bloom; they hug the bases of massive aged oak trees and decorate artistic statues.
A gentle breeze flows through my hair. It is cool, but not cold or uncomfortable. The Spanish moss hanging from the old oak tree above me sway delicately in the wind.
All of my surrounding seem to be completely calm. Even the cars that pass by a quiet and almost rhythmic.
This is the kind of place where I could lay out on the grass with all the clovers and flowers and stare up at the sky, making shapes from clouds. I used to do that so much as a kid, but I'm to busy for that kind of imagination anymore.

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