Monday, April 4, 2016

Effects of the photo

The effects of this photo of Donal Trump can vary complete depending on the views and experiences of the audience. One may see...

  •         A business man in a sharp pressed suit
  •        A showman who makes big gestures
  •         Someone speaking passionately
  •        A Politician over exaggerating
  •        He is making an ugly face
  •        He has a bad spray tan, weird hair
  •        He seems abrasive
  •        He takes up most of the space in the image, making him seem impressive, larger than life
This is just one image of this man out of thousands. I tried to choose this picture in a way that could be spun against him, for him, or just generally neutral toward Trump and his campaign. I think that the viewer will see what they want to see from this image.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you on how "the viewer can see what they want to see." From my perspective, I see a man trying to defend himself and make suggestions on how to make this nation greater. He also looks like is in the middle of an argument or debate of some sort. I did not think of the spray tan until you mentioned it. I guess it is better to have some color rather than looking pasty on camera.
