Sunday, April 3, 2016

Media Today


On the subject of media, I find myself strangely set apart from what I feel most people believe. I constantly see posters and artwork and similar types of works discussing how media today is poisoning society. We are so involved in our phones in our social medias that we don't even notice our neighbors. That social media is making us forget how to think and we can no longer see the world for what it is. I believe that all of these things are simply untrue.

If you paused for a minute and looked at media without only looking at the few bad things that may come up, you would see that there are so many amazing things it can do for people! For once thing, in recent years we have seen a major rise in crowd funding and charity work through donation type websites that bring help to even the smallest of causes, like, say, helping pay for a local college students expensive school supplies. People are helping each other to do things they might not have been capable of without the help of the media.

For me personally, I also believe that communication is a hug benefit and the main reason media is beneficial to our modern life style. Some cynics may see people on a bus, absorbed into their phones and hardly noticing anyone around them. The could have a chat with a stranger, but they are instead sucked into the digital world. What the viewer doesn't see is that this person might just be having a conversation with a relative they rarely get to see, or someone they love and need to talk to. I myself am this kind of person. Not only am I in a committed long distance relationship. but my father is also all the way across the world in Shanghai, China. With differences in time zones and varying schedules, I don't always have a choice in when I can talk to my loved ones. This does not make me, or anyone else, obsessed or addicted to media.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and I can relate with what you are saying, I am also in a long distance relationship and I think that media has done everything super easy and the communication is nice and getting us stronger than ever.
